Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter was fun this year, we were very busy and the kids ended up with more candy than they will ever be able to eat.

My mom had given the kids silly string in thier baskets and this is the aftermath.

Hunter stoping to give a big cheesy smile.

This was taken at the mortensen house. Hunter was in the back shooting his rocket.

The happy family.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spaghetti Night

Spaghetti has always been a big hit at our house with the kids and me. We gave it to abby tonight for the first time and it was a huge success.

Madison had to get in on the action.


Here are some pictures from the trip Brady and I took to Cozumel. We stayed at an all inclusive resort for five nights and had a really good time. It was nice to get away without the kids and have some time together.

This is the scooter we rented one day to drive around the island and do some sight seeing.

This is how we spent most of our vacation. Laying on the beautiful beach, well our beach was rocky but still nice.

This is us at the top of the lighthouse on the island.

Brady laying by the pool.

Here is one of the prettiest beaches on the island. We stopped here when we had rented the scooter.